Shipping Status: 1.6.21

Brit (MissHappyPink / Partner in crime) asked me to make an update, but I'll do a little synopsis in case anyone is out of the loop.

Last Tuesday, she went in for a spinal cord biopsy. This is a very scary procedure that we knew would result in some deficits because of the area of the nerves the surgeon needed to investigate.

That procedure became a tumor removal that took about 6 hours to wrestle with. They were able to remove about 80% of it.

We will get the pathology results back on that in a week or so. No idea what it is/was, but was definitely the source of the chronic pain and immobility over the past 2 years. That battle plan comes later.

For now, she is currently at the Frazier Rehab Institute to begin re-learning to walk or however mobility looks like for her, focus on removing some of the acute pain, etc.

It's going to be a long journey. She's already been able to start pulling herself up to standing for very short periods of time. She's also got the exact right type of attitude to go as far as her body will possibly allow in this process.

We're both doing as well as possible considering the unknown obstacles ahead and greatly appreciate those that have reached out. I guess it seemed worth addressing the elephant in the room and I guess we'll start eating that thing one bite at a time.

I'll be starting work this week, which means packing orders, catching up on design-work, getting my own things ready to print, etc. So, if we've got anything outstanding, just reach out. I'll be juggling taking care of that on top of keeping my head in a good place (the work usually does that) and being an advocate for my favorite person.

We're all fatigued at being told what to do, but please be safe. Wear your masks and wash your hands. The ICU was kind of terrifying over the past week.